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Dramatically Impact Your Future Results

In my work with hundreds of clients over the past many Januarys (I've stopped counting!), I've noticed that, without exception, how you feel about January, and how you launch your New Year, can dramatically impact your future results.

It’s all based in energy. Your energy.

So, here we are. January 2016. And I can’t wait to dig in! That’s MY energy around the New Year!

Personally, I love new beginnings. They provide infinite possibility, opportunity to explore, redefine and start fresh. Pretty much anything new inspires me, whether it be a new environment, a new journal, a new day or a new opportunity. The untapped potential therein is limitless, and when harnessed and nurtured, it can be remarkable.

And, for whatever reason, this is how I feel in January of every year. I can’t wait to see what we create and what’s in store for us! It’s always an exciting time for me. 

But that’s not the case for everyone. New beginnings are often fraught with emotion. Everyone has their own unique relationship with fresh starts, and it’s a really good idea to have a clear idea of how fresh starts look and feel for you. 

In your case, take a moment to look ahead, and think about what’s possible and what’s probable for you this year. How does it feel to you? Stressful? Discouraging? Same old? Inspiring? Exciting? Where do you land on the spectrum?

This is what I mean when I say that it’s all based in energy. More specifically, it’s the momentum this energy generates. And it will determine YOUR momentum for the year ahead!

Momentum is a powerful force and one that deserves respect. 

As Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. said so eloquently:

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much
where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”

Momentum accelerates and magnifies your results … in whatever direction you are moving.

In other words, it really, really matters how you feel about your business going forward! 

If you feel excited and confident about your business, what do you think 2016 has in store for you? 

If you feel tentative and skeptical about your business, what do you think 2016 has in store for you?

If you believe that you’ve got to engage in hard, back-breaking work, what kind of work will you seek and create for yourself this year?

If you believe that work is fun, uplifting and profitable, what kind of work will you attract and contract in 2016?

With these insights, here are 5 steps to ignite positive momentum and get it really working for you:

1. Review your past wins.
List all the memorable things that you accomplished in 2015. Big and small. Everything counts! Once you see it all compiled together, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover that you’ve done more than you remember! Momentum is already on your side.

2. Give your work a purpose.
Reconnect with what is truly important about your work. Define how it impacts others and positively contributes to the greater good.

3. Connect with your tribe.
Reconnect with inspiring relationships that motivate you and support your personal growth. You can’t do it alone.

4. Set goosebump-worthy goals.
Focus your energy on achieving meaningful, fulfilling and realistic results. If you don’t feel emotionally engaged by your goals and wins, then keep refining them until you do. Positive momentum thrives on positive emotion!

5. Take action.
Humans are born to move things forward. It’s in our blood. Stop resisting and, as Nike’s slogan says, “Just Do It!” Momentum builds with action.

On that note, I hope you launch 2016 with enthusiasm and an abundance of positive momentum that continues to serve you throughout the year. Remember, if you need a boost, our Business Differentiation Blueprint™ Program is designed to get results for you.

To your success, differently!
      - Michèle